

mini seperation from the mini

I got to the car repair shop at 7:30 because the Enterprise guy said they set up shop in one of the repair shop's extra offices and would be there at 7:30. Nope, nope, nope, nothing opens until 8. So I'm sitting my happy ass in the cold waiting for something to open. The repair shop opened their office early so I handed my sweet mini over to them for the week. I went back across the street to wait for the Enterprise guy to show up. And when he did I realized I left my license at home so he couldn't rent me a car. He wouldn't even do the paper work. The whole freaking reason I got there so damn early was to get my pick of the cars they brought with them. So, I woke up my sweet husband to bring me my license (he had it for a Christmas party we went to on Friday so I didn't have to carry a purse). I gave him directions and told him the building was on the right side of the street when in fact its on the left. He's learned that I confuse right and left, so he should have known, right? :) And then I snapped at him when he pointed out that I told him the wrong side. Poor man, sweet enough to bring me my license and I snap at him. Need to call him in a minute to apologize. So, got my license in hand and I get paper work done and they don't have any full-size cars left (which is what insurance will pay for). He offered me a free upgrade to an SUV, but come on people, I drive a mini for a reason. I like my small car, I don't like SUVs. I had to wait another 10 minutes for them to bring over more cars. So I got a Dodge Stratus, not much better than an SUV. Its a bit of a boat, but it accelerates nicely.

I was going to assume that anyone reading this would know why my car is in the shop, but just in case anyone other than my, what, 5 friends reads this they might want to know. If not, then why are you even reading this?

Anyway. I was rearened a couple of weeks ago by a scatter-brained person. I was sitting in traffic, we weren't moving and when we were it was less than 10 miles an hour. And somehow, this woman managed not to see a purple mini in front of her! Luckily, no one was hurt and no bad damage done to my car, at least it doesn't look like its bad. The shop folks will have a better idea once they get the bumper off. So until further notice, watch out for the silver dodge stratus with an "e" sticker on it.


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