Garden 2006/07/11
Cucumbers and tomato plant. One side of cucumbers are for salads, the other line is for pickling!

I believe these are cubanelle peppers.

Some other variety of pepper.

Strawberry pot full of herbs, a marigold coming out one area and strawberries in the top.

Whole garden as seen from the gate.

Whole garden again. You can see the strawberry pot in the middle. The garden line used to be just in front of that. When I thinned out the cucumbers and zucchini this weekend and moved the eggplants and all of the pepper plants to get them out from under the two large zucchini plants, the garden plot grew. You can see I moved the cucumbers to along the fence. They don't look so hot now. Nor do the transplanted zucchini along the front right edge of the garden. Next year have to remember to give zucchini plenty of space!

Speaking of zucchini. See that zucchini on the right side, that's the size a zucchini should be... I let some grow a little too big before picking.

Note to Amy - I know you like garden pictures, so try not to get too excited when you see the first yield of zucchini crop all lined up together. See the three small-ish ones in the middle, those are like the perfect size. All the others are a little freakishly large... compare to the cantalope in the background there! (Cantalope not from my garden but from our vegetable delivery last week).

I just creamed my jeans :)
I'm so jealous, next year I'm planting a ton of veggies, HOAs be damned!!
Vegetable delivery??? VEGETABLE DELIVERY? are you guys part of a community farm or something? I've been looking into those. More jealousy from over here :) They all look GORJEST!
This year we're using
Last year we used a CSA, but we weren't too happy with the yield we got or with the types of stuff they were planting. Half way through last summer Kurt found the one we're using this year. It isn't a CSA, but they try to buy as much of their produce from local farms and supplement with stuff from other suppliers.
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