At the risk of jinxing this, Wally may have found a home. We're supposed to meet with his new owner, L, on Friday to do the contract. Once that is completed, he'll go home with her.
Its kind of funny, but the last guy who wanted to adopt Wally wasn't looking for a dog, he just came to the adoption event with a friend who was looking for a puppy. L was not specifically looking for a dog either. She and a friend came to petco shopping for their dogs a week ago Sunday and saw Wally on the way out. It was actually near the end of the event and Wally had had a particularly bad adoption day, he was just out-of-sorts and not behaving very well. I had contemplated leaving early, but now I'm glad I didn't. Anyway, L and her friend saw him, L took him for a walk, and we exchanged information. She called me the next day to set up a time for Wally to come meet Bella, her 3 year-old pit mix.
On Friday, I took Wally over to L's house. L and I walked him around the block, then L got Bella and we walked them together, L took Wally's leash and walked them both for most of the way. When they were finally given the chance to sniff each other, they both wanted to play. They had a great little play-date - no doggie arguments or growls at all.
L also has a 17 year old cat that really intimidated Wally. Wally saw him, got excited and started to bounce after him when Kitty arched his back, hissed, and advanced. It freaked Wally out and he layed his ears flat against his head and put his head down and backed away. That's how he reacts when he gets squirted with water. He would not go within a foot of Kitty the rest of the visit. Anytime I tried to get him to sniff Kitty again he'd plant his feet on the ground and wouldn't budge! It was great! I wish Maple could have seen it. Show her how to handle dogs.
All went well the rest of the visit. L wanted to schedule one more play-date before she made up her mind. This time, she asked if this could be without me present so she could see how well Wally would listen to her. I talked with the rescue to make special arrangements since this is an unusual request. So Wally went to visit L on Sunday for about 5 hours. When I picked him up, she said everything went well, just like it had on Friday. Wally wasn't even anxious when I left nor did he get overly excited when I came to pick him up. I think he gets more excited when I come home from work than when I picked him up! So the only thing left is for the adoption contract to be filled out and then Wally can go live with her.
I cannot believe how well Wally and Bella get along. Not to say that there won't ever be any doggie arguments, but L is very good at handling the two of them together and not letting their excitement and play escalate into anything desctructive.
L took a few pictures of Bella and Wally playing and hanging out on Sunday, Wally is the white one on the right, Bella the black one on the left:

This last one is just too cute with Wally finally chilling out. We'll see how Friday goes.
keeping fingers crossed for this one to go through - they look so happy together!
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