Cute Auggie Story
Last Saturday we had Crazymokes and her clan over for a swim. Auggie is not around children very often, so we keep a close eye on him just to make sure. He'd recently been around our niece and nephews and wanted to be everywhere they were - not playing with them but keeping an eye on them. If we're in the pool he tends to get bored and hot and want to be inside - except when there are children present. Then he wants to be outside with them (although not in the pool as he doesn't like the pool)!
Anyway, on to the Auggie story. The neighbor's house that sits at a diagonal to our backyard has 2-4 little dogs (less than 15 pounds each, she has 2 and occasionally doggysits for others). Anyway, these are yappy little things. They see us in the yard and will stay at the corner of their fence yapping away until the owner takes them inside (usually aided by a squirt gun). Auggie will usually head over to that corner of our fence if he hears them and stand and watch them for a minute or two before getting bored and wander off. Now note, he never runs over there and has never barked at them... at least until last Saturday. When everyone was getting out of the pool, the yappers came outside. When Auggie heard the yapping start he ran and started barking at the yappers! I'm of the opinion that he thought he was protecting the children, but who knows why the doggie instincts were guiding him to do that. The yappers were hearded inside pretty quickly so it wasn't kept up for any length of time and I think Kurt and I were the only ones that paid any attention to it.
Labels: auggie